Aldwych Theatre Seat Reviews
Grand Circle A22 reviews
at the Aldwych Theatre
- General 3.7/5
- View 4.3/5
- Comfort 3.3/5
- Legroom 2.6/5
- Good
- Okay
- Avoid if you’re tall
- based on 12 reviews
Average seat price*
min max
*based on 52 bookings made through various agents' websites.
Visitor reviews
- View
4/5 - Comfort
3/5 - Legroom
Leg room is the only issue, had to lean forward to see all of the stage. Hope I didn’t block anyone’s view behind me. Beautiful theatre.
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical,
- View
5/5 - Comfort
3/5 - Legroom
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical,
- View
4/5 - Comfort
4/5 - Legroom
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical,
Avoid if you're tall
- View
5/5 - Comfort
1/5 - Legroom
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical,
- View
4/5 - Comfort
4/5 - Legroom
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical,
- View
4/5 - Comfort
4/5 - Legroom
A good seat with clear view. Quite narrow seats with just sufficient legroom. I found my seat comfortable nonetheless. I'm an average sized female, 5'6". Being front row was good as I had a clear view but being in the grand circle meant I was looking down on the actors more than I'm used to and would have preferred to sit in dress circle but there was either no availablity or too expensive. Being in the front row did mean the rail blocked my view of the front of the stage so I had to lean forward occasionally, briefly, to see what was going on there. This may have interfered with the view of the people behind so I didn't stay forward for more than a few seconds as I know how annoying that can be. So in summary good seats, no regrets, but not perfect. Air conditioning was cold, which to me was better than the theatre being too hot (it was a hot day outside) but for others around me was uncomfortable I noticed.
Tina - The Tina Turner Musical,