Fortune Theatre Dress Circle seats reviews
Fortune Theatre Seating Plan
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Please note that this seating plan is for illustration purposes. While we've done our best to represent the official seating plan layout accurately, there may be some small differences.
Dress Circle
Divided into two sections by an aisle running down of the left hand side of the auditorium, the Dress Circle is just above the Stalls. This section of the Fortune Theatre feels very small and offers some of the best views in the whole venue.
There is a safety bar across the Dress Circle that obstructs the view for those in rows A and B and seats in those rows should be only purchased when discounted.
The best seats in this part of the venue are in the central part of the Dress Circle. The Upper Circle overhang begins at row E and it affects those in row F and back.
Unfortunately legroom feels very restricted in this part of the house and taller audience members are advised to avoid row A and always aim for an aisle seat. Although the Dress Circle is well raked, those in the last few rows will experience restricted views due to the overhang from the Upper Circle and the fact that the rake is a bit shallower towards the rear of the section.
The seats in boxes A and B are at a discounted price and although they offer slightly restricted views, one can still enjoy the experience without being hindered too much.
The Dress Circle is recommended for wheelchair users who are comfortable with transferring to a seat. This section of the theatre is most suited to those with reduced mobility issues.
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